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  • Writer's pictureNilanjan Mandal

Complex problem: An Example

Children, if exposed to mobile devices and relevant content, may easily get hooked to them. They can get addicted. Addiction to mobile games causes several health issues. Tackling this problem or devising a solution for this problem may involve social, emotional, logical, technical and business nodes/spheres at the broad level.

This problem does not have no definite formula. We may need to think through the following aspects:

a. Inspect what parents speak

b. Inspect what children speak

c. Understand the views of the gaming industry

i. Understand the commercial aspect

ii. Understand their business model

iii. Can there be a technology / process, which is win-win

iv. Can we introduce social aspects outside the digital realm?

v. Can we device a way to encourage physical activities through the game itself?

vi. Can limit gaming hours be turned into a motivation?

d. Thoroughly study the medical or psychological aspects of gaming

e. Understand the laws and rules related to digital exposure to children

Because there are so many interconnected aspects to study, the solution that we device, may be multi-fold. We may end up with a technical solution at one end and also have legal and social solutions combined with the technical solution. Therefore, we may not have a limited number of potential solutions.

Even after implementing the first shot solution for this problem, we cannot be sure about the impact it had. There is no immediate test for the solution, which we may role out.

End this article…

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