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Design outcome is an Interaction - A Language . . .

Design outcome is a language spoken between objects natural and man-made when they interact with each other.

Mankind is a natural entity, which constantly interacts & communicates with all entities in their environment. They communicate in languages which can be tricky to interpret.

Abstract Wavy Structure


Design is a Process
My vision is to perfect the process of design, the process of unlocking the right conditions in such a way that it becomes inevitable for the precise design outcome to reveal itself

Wesign; we-design


So then, how to Design...

We already said, "Design is a Process"

Design inspiration is everywhere.

The Universe, including the human race, is epitome of design inspirations. In fact, it is a treasure which we must unlock. But all that is still an inspiration. An inspiration can lead to an invention but it cannot be the invention.

We need to follow a process to reach the right language, the right interaction, the right design, the right invention. My process have undergone changes over a period of time. Today, it is more like growing a plant. I can't grow a plant. I can only establish the right conditions for it to grow. If we ask the right questions, and follow the process, the design will reveal itself. That's how I design!

Hi There! I am Nilanjan with a rich experience in design. For me, design and design thinking is not just a process infront of a screen but it is part of my life.

To know me...

Abstract Wavy Structure
Using Mobile Phones

What's Design Bay

Design bay hosts my projects from yesteryears, articles and design thoughts. I request you to check them out and share your thoughts!

Share your Thoughts

If you have any suggestions and or comments, please feel free to write to me. We can catch up on a design chatter if it suit us!

Thanks for submitting!

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